“Jinmonken” number 7 published
quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2010

Five years have passed since the last issue of “Jinmonken” was published. Publishing was halted, among other factors, by the fact that a large amount of members was involved in the project “Before the Kasato-maru: a historical glance” (coordinated by the Japanese-Brazilian Museum), as well as internal changes which have occurred in the past years within our entity. Needless to say, budget problems were also a substantial cause.

First of all, we would like to apologize.

Due to the fact that many young people are unable to read Japanese fluently nowadays, from this issue on we intend to publish papers in Portuguese as well.

Readers are free to submit their own papers to our Editorial Board. Comments are also welcome.

(Note: the authors are responsible for all opinions expressed in their articles)

"Jinmonken" N.º 7

Man’yôshû: uma breve apresentação (Geny Wakisaka)
Burajiru no nikkei rajio shōshi (Shūhei Hosokawa)
Burajiru nihonjin imin no isseiki (Kōichi Mori, Kōsuke Yamamoto & Nao Suzuki)
Senzenki Burajiru ni okeru nikkei kyōiku kikan - Seishū Gijuku to Kobayashi Midori (Sachio Negawa)
Nihongo no "ireko (nest) kōzō" ni tsuite (Tōru Sekiya)
Idōsei, teikoku-shugi, chishikijin: 1920-nendai kara 50-nendai ni okeru Burajiru nikkei imin community ni okeru chishiki kaikyū no keisei (Kōji Sasaki)
Kōkansen de no kikoku narazu - shokan ni miru Kawai Takeo kōyūroku (Shinji Tanaka)